Present since 1978 in Nervesa della Battaglia in the province of Treviso, Cold Sheet Metal Pad is a solid because it has been able to combine technological innovation and internationalization, providing timely and high quality services.
The company manufactures dished ends for terminals pipes, in particular for the construction of gas cylinders and high-pressure tanks.
The final product, which can be iron or stainless steel, is obtained through cold forging with the use of hydraulic and mechanical presses. The rounded bottoms are produced using as a measuring thumb English, which explains the choice of the company name.
It is a niche market, few actually inserted at European level in the same industry, and this contributes to revenue growth.
“We are the only company in the world producing dished according to European standard EN 10253-1, we can call ourselves a leader in our industry, ” says President Antonio Zanette.
Since 1978 Cold Sheet has pioneered new techniques to propose innovative solutions to its customers, investing part of its turnover in research and development in order to create funds technologically advanced. The headquarters of Treviso are machines with automatic automation that ensure accuracy to detail, while the wide range of products of various sizes in stock can reduce delivery times.
The main areas of application of the products Cold Sheet are the hydraulic sector, and boilers, marine and food. The company has a contract in the nuclear sector, some of the products were used by NASA.
On the export front, Cold Sheet invests in participation in fairs and events, often appearing as the only Italian industry. The next meetings are participation in fairs International in Europe and Asia dedicated to the technologies of conditioning and idrotermosanitaria.
Future projects stands the active for two years for the construction of funds of thick, according to ASME B 16.9 (American Society Mechanical Engineers).